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You don't need to give up your career or family to study overseas.  


You don't need to be good in English or have to take Eng​lish classes first before enrolling in  our programs.  


Your work or business experience can be considered as academic transfer units, thereby shortening your program. 


You will get extra help from our faculty to publish your research in international conferences and refereed journals.



​You can finish most of our programs in less than a year.  Our programs are designed for busy people like you.




​You will pay a lot less for our tuition than if you enroll yourself in the same university in the United States or elsewhere.

You will pay even less if you are eligible for the many scholarships that we give out to deserving students.



You don't need to take any admission test to enter our protrams.

You don't need to take classes or courses if you enroll in our "research track" programs.




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